Saturday, July 11, 2009

Where you at?

So, my husband asked me why I haven't blogged lately. I just looked at him.My house is a sea of toys and laundry, my reading list is piled high, and my trunk is still full of decorations from the last A.T.*E.A.S.E. event two weeks ago. I have been busy, but I still wanted to share some updates and some random thoughts. Let's begin with A.T.*E.A.S.E., shall we?

Since February we have had 5 events with an average attendance of 58 women at each event. I am having so much fun meeting new wives each month and I love seeing friendships develop and grow because of this outreach. In February we did Pajama's and Pedicures. This was a great night of sitting around in our PJ's and learning about stress relief. March was Decadent evening of Chocolate and Etiquette. We had a "Do's and Don't's" Fashion show and had the best desserts from around Columbia. We even had a seven layer Choc late Godiva Cake that was to die for! April featured Basket Bingo and potluck. In May, we did a tribute to the military wife in Home Front Heroes. Our Post CSM's wife, Cheryl Stall, spoke to us on the importance of taking care of ourselves and volunteering. She shared a great story about perspective form the book, "Chicken Soup for the Military Spouse's Soul", which each attendee received a copy of at the end of the evening, (compliments of the Main Post Chapel).

Now June was probably my favorite event so far. We did the "All American Cookout" featuring southern style BBQ from "The Little Pig" here in Columbia, SC. We also
held the first ever "Army Wife Olympic Games" . We had six different events ranging from Army acronyms to having a real drill sergeant yell at you and make you do push ups. The ladies had so much fun and it was a great night of team work and relationship building. We also held our first fundraiser. We had a food drive for the Harvest Hope Food Bank and collected almost 2000 pounds worth of food, personal care items, and monetary donations. With the help of the Main Post Chapel and our wonderful sponsors, Chaplain (MAJ) James Smith and Chaplain (MAJ) Ed Kelly, we were able to see something bigger than ourselves and we all pitched to make a difference in our community.
I have to acknowledge all the women who have made this possible these last few months. Amy Scarpulla, my right-hand-lady and super PR gal; Lori Myers, my brainstorming and wine buddy; Jennifer Nicholson, the go to girl; Holly King, my great encourager and chief vase shiner; Brandi LaMonda, the rookie who is willing to do anything to help; Chundra Womack, a strong woman who was always there when no body else could be; and Christy Hearn, the one who kept us young and cool. We also are privileged to have the love and support of Ev Harris who is a spiritual mentor and beacon at the events. (Ev is a representative of Military Ministries.)
We had a lot of fun and we know that we are doing a great thing at Fort Jackson. This fall promises to be great with many fun events to come. Thank you to all those who have supported in prayer and words of encouragement. We hope this is just the beginning of many more years to come.

1 comment:

Loretta Monroe said...

Each event has been more fun than the last. I'm so looking forward to seeing what comes next! Tiff, you are simply amazing and it is an honor to be a part of this journey with you! "You're AWESOME... and I wanna hang out with you!" :o)